Self build help – Government passes CIL exemption for properties


Back in April 2013 we blogged about the Governments plans to remove the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This was brought in by local councils in 2008 which allowed then to charge a `fee` when a builder received planning permission. The `fee` went towards the building of parks etc in the area. It was deemed unfair however to treat selfbuilders and developers the same so after 18 months of Government deliberation, and following a sustained campaign by NaSBA to allow exemptions in order to make building more affordable for self-builders, the Government has passed an amendment, which came into force on February 24th 2014. This will give builders more self build help and custom developers to obtain an exemption from local authority CIL levies.

Under the new rules, self and custom builders’ clients need to apply for CIL exemption using a Declaration and Commencement form and to receive an acknowledgement from their local authority before any building work begins. Failure to secure a CIL exemption acknowledgement before starting on any form of building work – including laying foundations – will result in loss of exemption status and other penalties.

It is important that people planning a build get as much self build help as possible, self-builders need to plan ahead for the documents they’ll need to submit no later than six months following the completion of their build, to confirm their CIL exemption status. These include title deeds, completion/compliance certificate, proofs of occupation and one other proof such as a warranty. Failure to provide these proofs will mean that the owner incurs penalties. At ProAktive we are able to help with one of those sets of documents and can provide a structural warranty policy. You can contact us 01302 346831 for a quotation or download a proposal form from our website

You can also find the regulations themselves at

– search for Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) Regulations 2014

You’ll find downloadable forms at: